Welcome to Directorate of Academics and Research

Dr.Irfan Ullah
Director Academics
University of Lakki Marwat
The establishment of University of Lakki Marwat is an act of historical significance by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Being located at the focal point, the area has witnessed the rise and fall of the famous civilizations that inspired the world with the glorious culture and civilized traditions devoted to learning and scholarship. Unfortunately, with the passage of time and onslaught by the bellicose tribes, the human achievements spanning thousands of years were got buried under the debris of time. The establishment of University of Lakki Marwat is a bold step forward to resurrect and bring back the same dazzling culture by mobilizing the intellectual resources of young scholars and to deepen their vision about the crying need to join together the human society irrespective of caste, colour or creed